Monday, July 17, 2023

Week 29 Challenge

 Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done.

52 Frames

Challenge: IN THE CENTER

Used this shot for two challenges this week. See below for the entry.  Shot this using my Sony A7 III again tethered to my mobile phone.  Able to see the image on my phone so I was sure it was centered.


Challenge: MACRO

A little whimsical with my Hot Wheel toys in the backyard.  Used my Sony A7III with the FE 28-70 mm lens with a macro +1 filter.  Some mote whimsical playing with my bud "Rocky" and some toys.

Digital Photography School


Same image different crop from 52 Frames

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Week 28 Challenge

 Been keeping up on my challenge just behind in posting to the blog.  Getting real lazy in this heat wave.  In triple digits every day.  But i have been submitting my images each week  

52 Frames

Challenge: ABSTRACT

Just a little ICM (Intentional Camera Movement), I prefer to do as much as I can in camera ad not do the twisty thing in post processing.  This was shot with my Sony A7III, and the 24-70 lens at 35 mm. 1/3 sec at f/5.6.  And rotating the camera.  A little trick to this is to trip the shutter after you start rotating the camera. I wasn't real good at this thus the solid brown in the lower right side of image.  



Using my tripod with the legs at their lowest and the camera "tethered" to my mobile phone so I don't have to get down low to focus, etc., as i make the adjustments.

Digital Photography School


Sot with my mobile phone camera.  As I was on my morning walk through the mall saw this at the cookie store.  Using my feet as a basis on "From Where I Stand" I thought this was whimsical image.

This is the second go around of DPS becoming a biweekly challenge,  But I plan on keeping the weekly genre just shoot the same challenge for two weeks.  Let's see if I can continue.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Week 27 Challenge

 Well, I am still going.  It has been rougher each week to keep motivated for mw.  I have had some down days this week and it is HOT here in Houston.  But I did make it out and for some images.  Basically I went out one evening at Golden hour and got images for all three challenges from one outing to John Paul Park, came back post processed and submitted - BAM done.

52 Frames

Challenge: Reflection


Challenge: Starburst
Not one of my better "Starburst" but I met the requirement

(In case you cannot find the Starburst , look into the branches of the tree at the top and see the bright spot (sun) bursting through the branches)

Digital Photography School

Challenge: Golden Hour Landscape 
Remember this is now a bi-weekly challenge but I want to keep on the weekly idea as long as I can last. So this is repeat challenge from last week.

Again all images from one short evening outing to John Paul Park.  

See you next week.  Right now I do not anticipate any outing into the heat of the week but who knows? 

Friday, July 7, 2023

Week 26 Challenges

Late in posting.  Got lazy but I did make the challenge in time for all three.

52 Frames

Challenge: Morning Routine
I came up with a mediation theme for the morning routine

My friendly meditating yoga in my backyard


Challenge: Think in Threes
Images with couplets of three are always preferred but still a challenge to try and find them when not posing in my studio.  Well on my morning walk in the airconditioned level ground mall I found something - Aha!  Pulled out the trusty mobile and captured "The Cool Stuff!"

Digital Photography School

Challenge: Golden Hour Landscapes

Cheated a little here and mined one out of my archives and here was my image

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Drums of Africa

Mercer Botanic Gardens had an  event titled Drums of Africa.  Not sure what it was it had the sound of a photo shoot or at least some practice for street photography, besides you can't go wrong with some kind of photography at Mercer.  Not sure what it was going to be I grabbed the trusty Sony with a couple lens and the tripod just in case (and some water too) and off I went.  It started at 10 AM trusted I could survive the heat that early was a thought for the adventure, too.  With a start this early I was not sure of the age of attendees, the press release (Facebook posting) said this was for all ages, and at my age I fit into the category of "all ages."  I got there and it was mostly children, with their moms and a few dads.  In these days I am always cautious taking pictures of children, don't want the label of pedophile or something of that genre.  I did talk to a garden employee so she would know who I am, interesting comment from her "Well this is a public location so feel free to take pictures."  If I was ever approached by a parent I can explain myself and if they wanted their childs' picture deleted I would gracefully comply immediately.  But nothing happened and I did get some interesting images.

The leader was a gentleman from Young Audience - Arts for Learning.  This organization bring arts program to audiences kindergartens through teens.  This facilitator was very adept in energizing the kiddos and keeping them entertained and active.  He established a great rapport with all ages present.

Enough chatter here are some of the images.

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...