Sunday, October 20, 2019

Portfolio Review

I had a new experience this month - I participated in a Portfolio Review.  This review is where a panel of judges review a themed presentation of my images.  This is a free benefit of membership in the Northwest Houston Photography Club.  These opportunities can cost a hundred or more dollars.  So I took advantage of this free opportunity.  We had a public viewing first, then two nights later we had our personal review.  In my case, I met with three professionals and received some great pointers. Here are my submissions with a theme of "PLACES OF REST."   Enjoy!!

Reflection Rest

Majestic Rest

Swinging Rest

Swamp rest

Prickly Rest

Biological Rest

Riverside Rest

Eternal Rest

Great Smoky National Park

This past September I spent a week on a Road Scholar tour  ( photographing parts of the Great Smoky National Park.  A week is definitely not long enough to photograph the park, but it was a fun start.  I was part of a group of 20 photographers, we were lead by two professionals and a "storyteller."  The storyteller told us history and fun facts about the Smokys.  I was hesitant to go thinking I am being led to spots where lots of other people had placed their tripod, but I threw caution to the wind and went and I do not regret going.  Yes, I did place my tripod in the same area lots of other tripods had been - BUT this is my tripod and my picture.  The pros (Bonnie Cooper ( and Don Mcgowan ( ) gave great thoughts, suggestions, and inspiration, and they knew where to go.  We had sunrise and sunset shoots along with shooting other times.
Here are some of the images I took - 

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...