Sunday, December 15, 2019

Grand Canyon Evening Shoot

As usual, I am behind on my blog.  Maybe I should rename it to Richard Procrastination Blog. Rather than renaming the blog I will set a goal for 2020 to do better in posting.  I have to get better at processing my images in a more timely manner. It is more fun to take the pictures than processing,  But for now, here we go with a trip we took this past October - November.  Stop one is the Grand Canyon sunset pictures.  We got to the south rim right at sundown.  It was cold and I jumped out of the car grabbed my camera and tripod (yes I am using my tripod more) and ran to the rim.  I had a medium weight jack, no gloves, and a hat. By the time I finished shooting my hands were numb and my nose was frozen. 

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