Friday, August 14, 2020

Traveling in the Pandemic

With a continuing case of cabin fever we decided to take a road trip to the mountains in Arizona.  With Bettys sister having a cabin in the Heber-Overgaard area  we decided it was a time for a visit.  I plotted a route that we considered safe.  With only stopping for gas and biological breaks in safe conditions we were comfortable to make the trip. A stop at a Sonic drive-in for lunch and then getting KFC for dinner and eating it in the hotel we were comfortable.  The second day was Arby's for lunch and eating in the car again then that evening we were at our destination.  

On the second day we passed the National Radio Astronomy Observatory - Vary Large Array Radio Telescope. This is about 2 hours north of Albuquerque, and 50 miles west of Socorro.  Due to the pandemic it was closed.  But I did get a few pictures of part of the array,  

The Very Large Array has 27 active antenna dishes. Each of these 230 ton antennas can be moved to different locations with the help of a transporter. This lets astronomers place them in several patterns known as configurations. The antennas can be clustered together within an area no more than 0.6 miles wide, or spread across a diameter of 22 miles

From there the road is kina lonesome.

A little farther down this high we stopped in Pie Town to eat our Arby's sandwich's.  Pie Town is not a busy cross road,

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Week 29 Challenge

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