Sunday, September 19, 2021

Antique Rose Emporium

 A quick visit to the Antique Rose Emporium in Independence Texas.  A neat place in a wee community about 60 miles from our home.  Always a nice visit, in the spring usually some great wild flowers in the area and on the ride there, summer can be brutal, but a nice ride anyway.  This day was we were on a mission to get some roses, so of course I took my camera and played some.  No shots of roses this day, no nice blooms, wrong time of day and year.  They are still recovering from the freeze last February.  But still got some shots.

1/500 sec @ f/7.1, Lens FE 24-240 mm @240 mm, ISO 200

1/500 sec @ f/7.1, FE 24-240 mm @ 240mm, ISO 200

1/800 sec, FE 24-240 mm @240 mm, ISO 200

1/400 sec @f/5.6, FE 24-240 mm at 55 mm, ISO 200

1/500 sec @ f/9.0, FE 24-240 mm @240 mm, ISO 200

1/500 sec @ f6.3, FW 24-240 mm @ 40 mm, ISO 200

1/1600 sec @f/4.0, FE 24-240mm @35 mm, ISO 200

1/1600 sec @f/6.3, FE 24-240 mm @ 172 mm, ISO 200

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Cars and Caffeine

 On the third Saturday of each month a group of local car enthusiasts gather to show off their rides.   There was everything from motorcycles to pickup trucks.  The gathering brings out the  Corvette owners as usual, but it was nice to see some restored older vehicles, some of which are a work in progress.  I'm sure I will go back as it is close to the house and not very formal.  Nice to talk to some of the "older guys" about their experiences.  

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...