Saturday, February 12, 2022

Heritage Village

An outing with the Houston Photowalkers to the Heritage Village in Woodville, Texas.  Heritage Village is a collection of building arranged as a pioneer tom dated between the 1840's through the 1920's. I stayed with my new 45 mm, f/1.8 on the Sony AA7III Mirrorless for more experience with this lens. These were all handheld, most shot wide open and with Auto ISO due to limited light.  Post processing was done in Adobe Lightroom and Luminar 4.  I did use flash on some but I am uncomfortable with flash photography

1/250 sec @ f/5.6 ISO 3200

1/160 sec @ f/1.8 ISO 1250

1/80 sec @f/1.8, ISO 4000

1/320 sec @f1.8 ISO 4000 using Spot focusing on the door

1/320 sec @ f/1.8 ISO 3200 using Spot Focus focusing on the bunk

1/160 sec @f1.8, ISO 1600

1/400 sec @ f/1.8 ISO 320

1/320 sec @ f/1.8 ISO 3200

1/160 sec @ f/1.8, ISO 800

1/160 sec @ f/1.8, ISO 125

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...