Saturday, March 19, 2022

Model Shoot with Precision Camera Store

 Went on a camera shoot today sponsored by Precision Camera & Video Store this is an Austin company that is coming to the Houston market.  It was supposed to be open around the first of March 2022 but due to permit issues and some construction issues they are now looking at mid April.  It will be located in the Sam Moon Shopping Center on I45 in Shenandoah, that's east side of 45 across from the Woodlands.

This shoot was with models so I was completely out of my comfort zone.  I shot all hand held and natural lighting.  The pros there had the flashes and aides holding flashes and some had there reflectors and all that "stuff" that doesn't interest me.  But taking pictures was fun and networking is always enjoyable.  This was at Epic Studios facility, lots of outside possibilities and of course he has a nice inside studio with lots of room.  All this can be rented by the hour but today was all free, or at least it was free to us. Precision may have paid the rental fee, THANK YOU PRECISION.

Here is some of what I did today, all are with my Sony A7 III,  Samyang 45 mm Prime and hand held.

1/500 sec @ f3.2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @ f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @ f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @ f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @ f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @f2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @ f/2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @ f/2, ISO 200

1/200 sec @ f3.5, ISO 200

1/200 sec @ f/3.5, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @ f/2, ISO 200

1/640 sec @f/3.5, ISO 200

1/100 sec @f/7.1, ISO 200

1/200 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 200

1/80 sec @f/2.2, ISO 200

1/1600 sec @ f2.2, ISO 200

1/1250 sec @f/4, ISO 200

1/500 sec @f/2.5, ISO 160

1/500 sec @f/2.5, ISO 160

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