Saturday, August 20, 2022

Car Show

 Car Nuts

Every month a bunch of car enthusiast  get together to show off their money pits.  Here are a couple that caught my eye

And the little Nash Rambler went BEEP BEEP


Saturday, August 13, 2022

Jail Time

 Austin County Jail 

A photoshoot at the Austin County Jail in Belleville Texas with the Northwest Houston Photo Club

All pictures taken with my Sony A7 III and were hand held.  I used my Lensbaby Trio 28 exclusively.

The "pot" used before indoor plumbing was available

The "hanging tree" used once

Some great texture

Note indoor plumbing


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Japanese Gardens


Went to the Japanese Gardens in Herman Park today.  Got to remember to stay hydrated in this heat. The gardens open at 9 AM so I was there at 9 to beat the heat somewhat, but not the humidity. Object was to take images from no more than 18 inches off the ground.  Plus today I used my Lensbaby Trio 28 almost exclusive to add to my challenge.  Of course, being able to "tether" my camera to my iPhone I was able to stand and compose the image with having to stay bent over (back strain negligible).

I used the tripod and kept it collapsed.  using various speed and ISO.  remember the lens is a Lensbaby, 28mm, f/3.5 thus some perimeters are fixed.   Here are a few of the images from my outing.

Phil's little cousin Filette was with me

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Selfie Time


A photo challenge for the Northwest Houston Photo Club was to take a selfie.  So with the help of a tripod and a remote release (actually a Bluetooth Application using my iPhone) I was able to take this picture and with some work with Adobe Lightroom converted to Black and White. Use my Sony A7 III, 24-70mm lens at 28 mm, ISO 640, 1 sec f /13.


Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...