Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 Week 4 and Continuing

I made it through week 4, kinda.  I got two of the three in with no problem.  The submission to 52 Frames with the challenge of a Image of a Stranger.  I was uncomfortable with the challenge, imagine me not wanting to speak to a stranger.  I had plans to go to the World War 2 reenactment and get my image there, but got rained out.  And we stayed inside all week end (good excuse heh?) 
Here are the submissions I got in on time.

Digital Photography School

The theme of VIBRANT 

The little car with its bright blue gave me the vibrancy I was looking for, the afternoon bright sun highlighted the car.  This was taken at 1/15 sec.   Probably would have been better at 1/30th and more centered or at least more right in the frame.  But not bad for more panning,


This entry was in the MOTION BLUR CATEGORY
Okay, I am stuck on the blur/panning.  I could have used one image for both submissions but there is no vibrancy to this one, but I like this one better than the little blue car.  

52 Frames

The theme Portrait of a Stranger.
Although I didn't get this in on time I didn't take it until Monday morning after the deadline. I had to get over the fear of approaching a stranger and getting the image.  I pas by the gentleman three times a week when I walk the mall so not a complete stranger but all we had done was wave to each other as I pass by him, he is the receptionist at the hair salon on the mall.  So I stopped talked to him and asked to take his picture using my iPhone (not as intimidating as my Sony camera.  This image still needs some post processing so there will be a update when I learn how to add Bokeh in post processing, But I wanted to get this image to "print" to show I am still working,

Thanks for taking this journey with me, and if you are fellow photo hack - GO TAKE SOME PICTURES!

Saturday, January 21, 2023


 Week Three

Here I am week 3 of the 52 challenge is behind me.  With a busy week doing whatever a retiree does it went by fast but the challenge was always on my mind.

Here are my submissions.  Of course all were taken using my Sony A7 III camera, and peculiar enough I used the Sony FE 28-70 lens on all.  And all this week are handheld.

Digital Photography School

The challenge here was BURNT.  

The loss of Fuddruckers to fire is a loss to the whole community. Bu, the BURNT remains allowed for a challenge entry for me.   In the present financial world that Fuddruckers finds itself in I doubt that they will rebuild.  So burnt down it is, sad times.


This weeks challenge was Black and White.  A subject I always enjoy Black and White.  I don't know if it is that is where I started many years ago ( a little nostalgia in all of us) or just the simple appeal of the B/W image.

Soup in the Beginning.  Went to a cooking class for Italian Soup and this was the ingredients used.  So here is soup in the early stages.

Just for information here is a shot not submitted but to get an idea of the final soup LOL

52 Frames

Your Hobby was the assigned topic.  Photography is my main hobby but I also like to cook or is that Kook?  So I submitted an image of a cooking class that I attended.  Not overly excited about my image, BUT the soup was excellent, it as a spicy Italian soup.  

Watch for more additions to the blog and see if  I can do 52 weeks.  now close your computer and go take some pictures!

Sunday, January 15, 2023



Well I did "get er dun" a little of procrastination and dental surgery held me back.  But that's just excuses.  I got off my butt and said, "self you made and published a commitment, so get out there."  Self motivation worked here are this weeks challenges

Digital Photography School  (DPS)

The challenge presented to us BACKYARD SAFARI.  Go around the back yard and see what you got and shoot it!

The Elvis Gnome goes again.  I titled this Afternoon Serenade. Shot with my Sony A7 III on a tripod at its lowest point.

 52 Frames

BLUR THE ACTION is where the action is.  And extra points for panning.  I too this sitting in my garage with the camera on a tripod, so I could keep the plane of the shot even.  I also used the multiple shot feature set at about 8 shots per second, I also used a cable release 

Not exactly the shot I wanted as I analyzed it.  I failed to set the focus on the truck so it is a little more soft than I wanted. But for my for effort in this genre I am ok with results This is why I started this weekly trek - to learn and get out of laziness


SILHOUETTE the challenge. A silhouette is a strong back light shot not a shadow shot.  This speaks to me as an sunset shot facing west.

This was shot at a local park where I was able to get some good reflection off the lake.  Again Sony A7 III on tripod ( yes I am using the tripod more thank you Don McGowen).  This shot was 0.6 sec 

Two weeks down and I am still going.  How are you doing?

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Week 1 Challenge

 Here We Go

Week One

I am on a roll.  I made the required images for each of the sites I picked/

Digital Photography School

The challenge is WHITE. This was taken with my iPhone 7.  As I was doing my 3 times a week walk in the mall I spotted this and it "spoke to me as white.  SO no you do not have use a camera, the always handy mobile phone works too.

52 Frames

The challenge here was SELFIE.  I must confess I tried to mine and old selfie and it was rejected.  So it become a new selfie and I used my camera on a tripod, used tethered my phone to the camera for a remote release and used the 2 sec timer too.


This challenge was BOKEH.  I took a gnome (can you say Elvis Gnome) from the garden placed in front of the Christmas Tree and took my shot.  I did use my Sony A7 III on a short tripod, after all this is justa 4' tree.

I got it done, NOW that wasn't hard.   Anyone else taking these challenges?

Monday, January 2, 2023



In an effort to review composition I came across these two articles that I wanted to share with the newsletter of the Northwest Houston Photo Club and with the members of the Weekly Photo Club. I found them to be a great review of things I knew and needed to remember.

Here's a copy of the Power Point  I used to present the "rules"

Remember that the image is yours and rules are made to be broken.  Make Photography fun and personal.

A copy of the Challenge  Challenge


Sunday, January 1, 2023


 New Years Challenges

New year new inspiration

As I start 2023 I have been reading for new inspiration.  Ideas too get me off the couch and out taking more pictures.  Sometimes I get in a rut and do not have any fresh ideas. I have been listening to podcasts for some inspirations and that has helped.  Flowers and birds are fun but it seems everyone is in that genre.  I want something different, I still enjoy landscapes and a little street photography.  BUT, where do I go?  Then David the president of the Northwest Houston Photo Club had a comment in in the January newsletter - TAKE A CHALLENGE.  In the past I tried a picture a day for each day of the year, then it was a picture a day for a month , then a week.  None of these worked for me.   Then I ran across three different challenges that are one picture a week, that seems doable.  SO, I am taking this challenges.  I have heard that writing the challenge down helps hold you to the challenge and then if you tell someone that enforces it more.  So here I am WRITING - TELLING.  Let's see how this goes.
If you are interested in this idea feel free to join me in one or more of the challenges.  Each of the sites publish the challenge at the beginning of the week and you have the week to submit your image.  The sites I am using are

You could mine your archives and pull out an oldie to meet the challenge.  But I think that defeats the objective of the challenge.  I do know 52 Frames looks at the data in the image and the date has to be current.  

So look for me posting the weekly inputs.

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...