Sunday, January 1, 2023


 New Years Challenges

New year new inspiration

As I start 2023 I have been reading for new inspiration.  Ideas too get me off the couch and out taking more pictures.  Sometimes I get in a rut and do not have any fresh ideas. I have been listening to podcasts for some inspirations and that has helped.  Flowers and birds are fun but it seems everyone is in that genre.  I want something different, I still enjoy landscapes and a little street photography.  BUT, where do I go?  Then David the president of the Northwest Houston Photo Club had a comment in in the January newsletter - TAKE A CHALLENGE.  In the past I tried a picture a day for each day of the year, then it was a picture a day for a month , then a week.  None of these worked for me.   Then I ran across three different challenges that are one picture a week, that seems doable.  SO, I am taking this challenges.  I have heard that writing the challenge down helps hold you to the challenge and then if you tell someone that enforces it more.  So here I am WRITING - TELLING.  Let's see how this goes.
If you are interested in this idea feel free to join me in one or more of the challenges.  Each of the sites publish the challenge at the beginning of the week and you have the week to submit your image.  The sites I am using are

You could mine your archives and pull out an oldie to meet the challenge.  But I think that defeats the objective of the challenge.  I do know 52 Frames looks at the data in the image and the date has to be current.  

So look for me posting the weekly inputs.

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...