Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 Week 4 and Continuing

I made it through week 4, kinda.  I got two of the three in with no problem.  The submission to 52 Frames with the challenge of a Image of a Stranger.  I was uncomfortable with the challenge, imagine me not wanting to speak to a stranger.  I had plans to go to the World War 2 reenactment and get my image there, but got rained out.  And we stayed inside all week end (good excuse heh?) 
Here are the submissions I got in on time.

Digital Photography School

The theme of VIBRANT 

The little car with its bright blue gave me the vibrancy I was looking for, the afternoon bright sun highlighted the car.  This was taken at 1/15 sec.   Probably would have been better at 1/30th and more centered or at least more right in the frame.  But not bad for more panning,


This entry was in the MOTION BLUR CATEGORY
Okay, I am stuck on the blur/panning.  I could have used one image for both submissions but there is no vibrancy to this one, but I like this one better than the little blue car.  

52 Frames

The theme Portrait of a Stranger.
Although I didn't get this in on time I didn't take it until Monday morning after the deadline. I had to get over the fear of approaching a stranger and getting the image.  I pas by the gentleman three times a week when I walk the mall so not a complete stranger but all we had done was wave to each other as I pass by him, he is the receptionist at the hair salon on the mall.  So I stopped talked to him and asked to take his picture using my iPhone (not as intimidating as my Sony camera.  This image still needs some post processing so there will be a update when I learn how to add Bokeh in post processing, But I wanted to get this image to "print" to show I am still working,

Thanks for taking this journey with me, and if you are fellow photo hack - GO TAKE SOME PICTURES!

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...