Tuesday, February 7, 2023

My Challenges

A quick note -

Some people have asked me where do I get the challenges I am doing each week.  They are;

52 Frames

52 Frames is a weekly Monday through Sunday 12 PM challenge.  You can find this at www.52frames.com  

Digital Photography School

This is a Saturday through Friday challenge.  This is Australia Time which allows for some confusion when the cutoff  and such but they don't hold you to the time.
The results are posted on their website and/or on their Facebook page.


This is a Monday through Friday Challenge.  I question the M-F as it seems more Monday through Sunday.  Each Monday she sends out an email to remind us what the weeks challenge is, but you can find the whole years worth of challenges so you can somewhat plan ahead.

I am sure there are others out there but these are the three I chose.  I don't know why I picked three and not just one but I did now I am obligated, especially since I have posted it.  After all if its on the internet its true - LOL.  In all cases no one holds you to doing it and if you miss a week you miss a week and start over to achieve your once a week challenge for a year.  You can start these at any time I just start the first of the year.  If you care to join me in one or more of these challenges let me know and we can hold each other accountable if you want.

Now go take a picture

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...