Thursday, February 2, 2023


 Week 5 is complete

Week 5 is behind me.  Not a difficult challenge in the bunch.  Only difficulty this week was the crappy weather.  It has rained and overcast all week.  Not the sunlight I wanted for the ideas I had in mind.  So, with that in mind I got busy today and completed the weeks assignments while I had time.  The DPS challenge closes Friday night, that's Saturday morning Australia time, isn't the world wide web fun when you have to figure where the rule makers are and abide by their times.

Digital Photography School

Speaking of DPS lets start here.  The challenge from DPS was Things Starting with T. I had some great ideas BUT all were outside and would require sunny conditions.  None of which have we had this week.  Then I spotted some of my wifes' house decorations and spotted the T cup.  Played around with this for quite a while  and here's what I ended up with;

Study time with my T cup and Three biscuits


Challenge from Nicolesy was Texture.  Tried two different subjects around around the house with no satisfaction.  THEN looked into the backyard saw the bear "climbing" went out and saw texture and a wet bear ( it has been raining all week) interesting Textures emphasized by the wet wood.

Shot handheld with my Sony A7 III, Samyang 48 mm at f/1.8, this allowed for some good bokeh.

52 Frames

Black and White was the challenge here.  I took the easy route and converted the bear on the Nicolesy challenge and made it a B&W image

Well that closes this weeks challenge.  Hang with me for the continuing challenges

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