Sunday, March 26, 2023

Challenge Week 12

 Yes, I am still on the journey, and I guess some are still following me,  I know there is not an automatic notification feature anymore (at least I don't think there is one)  So thanks for just checking in.  

Now to the challenges for week 12.

52 Frames

Challenge - Music
Had to give this one some thought as I do nor anyone in my house play.  So borrow is the word, put the word out and one of my grandsons had a dulcimer, picked it up and here is my attempt.

Easy way out was to make a product shot, but went for the "hands on" approach instead.

The product shot was 


Challenge - Sidelight

A shot where the predominate light is from the side.

A few minutes earlier the afternoon light from the west was a lot stronger,  By the time I ran in the house and got my camera and changed the lens a cloud came across.  While I waited and waited I finally got this shot the one I wanted but I was focused on this and got what I could get.

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Early Morning

Whoa early morning, the longer I have been around the less chance I am an early morning person.  But as I read the instructions early morning was what ever early morning is for you, it does NOT have to be sunrise, whew.

So after a couple overcast mornings I got some "early" morning sunlight that fit my perimeters. My favorite Yoga Frog was in the sunlight and begged to be shot.

After I submitted the image I didn't like this crop and thought a tighter crop would have been better but sometime you get what you get,

Now close this out and go take some pictures!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Challenge Week 11

 Still going on this journey, thanks for helping me along

52 Frames

Challenge - High Noon

The idea of High Noon is the lighting is terrible for photography , so see what you can do.  Most of the week was overcast, There first one was Thursday so I ran out to John Paul park to see what I could do for all the photo challenges this week and lucked out and got all three.

This was taken with my Sony A7III and the FE24-240 lens @ 240mm, ISO 250 1/2500 sec # f/6.3.  This was hand held as most bird photography is.  

Requesting Permission to Land

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Low Angle

Lately this had been up my alley.  I am loving low angle, I used a Miggo Flexible Tripod and I "tether" my iPhone to the camera.  I pretty much control all function of the camera on the phone without bending over for a long time or getting down low,  

I used my Sony A7 III with my Samyang 45 mm prime, ISO 200, 1/200 sec @ f/13.

I got over zealous this week and submitted two more that I liked.  The next was staying with my mini tripod, same camera and lens, set at ISO 200, 1/100 sec @ f/13.

This third submission was just to submit something whimsical.  This was handheld.


Challenge - Green

Did not like this image,  Just submitted it to get through the challenge, was not inspired - BUT here it is

This was hand held shot on spur of the moment.  Sony A7 III, FE 24-240 at 112mm, 1/5000 sec @f11 ISO 16000.

That's it for the Challenge week now close your computer and go take some pictures!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Challenge Week 10

The journey continues.  It was a rough week with a lot of interruptions, busyness was the answer.  Who knew busyness was the enemy of retirement.

52 Frames

Challenge - Complementary Colors

As I stated in the beginning it was a busy week.  Not impressed with this weeks submission.  I used my iPhone 8 for this week.  I'm sure I will use it again but you do what you can for the time.


Challenge - Symmetry

Time to use the iPhone again.  Another shot of the times at the mall with my iPhone again.

Got to get a challenge that I am not thinking of the mall floor, LOL.

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Sad

New thought for me to photograph an emotion.  I know some of my images have been probably pretty sad by default.  BUT to go with the intention of making a sad image, rough time.

Got to use my Sony again so it wasn't too bad.  And my Lensbaby Trio 28 Velvet lens.  This  is a 28 mm lens with fixed aperture of f/3.5, manual focus, with three settings of a Velvet lens which produces a kind of ethereal image, another lens called Twisted (no that's not reflection on my personality) which gives an effect like ICM on the edges, the third option is called Sweet which has a "sweet" spot and a bokeh feel on the edges.  

I titled this Crepe Murder,  it's the stub of a trimmed Crepe Myrtle tree.  It makes me sad to "murder" the tree.  This style of trimming is common here in South East Texas, you are supposed to just trim of the crossing branches and the branches the are the size of a lead pencil and smaller.  Most people and general gardeners do the "murder" routine. In the past I have trimmed in the proper method, but do to some physical limitations on my part I could not trim properly this year, so I did the "murder" so SAD.

Now go take some pictures of your own !

Friday, March 3, 2023

Challenge Week 9

 Wow, I am still hanging in there.  Thanks for keeping me company on my journey.

52 Frames

Challenge - Macro
Looking around and seeing different things that I could macro-photo I settled on this rose.  Again my back yard, minimal travel involved.  Used my +4 close up filter, I've had this filter for many years this is probably the first time I used it.  On my old Nikon I had a telephoto lens that was macro quality, but now I am shooting Sony I don't have that lens so the close up filter came in handy.

After I submitted the image I played some more and this is what I came up with 

I kind like this one better, which one do you like?


Challenge - Patterns

I looked around and could find a pattern that interested me all week.  Then today on my walk though the mall I noticed the design/pattern in the floor tiles.  So I squatted down (as much as my old body would allow me) used my iPhone and shot this image.  Some cropping and fine tuning and here is what I came up with.  

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Ice

DPS is an Australian based site and they are starting their winter and thought there would be some interesting Ice shots.  But even though we here in Southeast Texas are coming out of winter our normal temps are in the 60's but this year we are staying in the 70's and low 80's so I used Ice cubes and did a "still life".

I titled this OPPs. 

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...