Sunday, March 26, 2023

Challenge Week 12

 Yes, I am still on the journey, and I guess some are still following me,  I know there is not an automatic notification feature anymore (at least I don't think there is one)  So thanks for just checking in.  

Now to the challenges for week 12.

52 Frames

Challenge - Music
Had to give this one some thought as I do nor anyone in my house play.  So borrow is the word, put the word out and one of my grandsons had a dulcimer, picked it up and here is my attempt.

Easy way out was to make a product shot, but went for the "hands on" approach instead.

The product shot was 


Challenge - Sidelight

A shot where the predominate light is from the side.

A few minutes earlier the afternoon light from the west was a lot stronger,  By the time I ran in the house and got my camera and changed the lens a cloud came across.  While I waited and waited I finally got this shot the one I wanted but I was focused on this and got what I could get.

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Early Morning

Whoa early morning, the longer I have been around the less chance I am an early morning person.  But as I read the instructions early morning was what ever early morning is for you, it does NOT have to be sunrise, whew.

So after a couple overcast mornings I got some "early" morning sunlight that fit my perimeters. My favorite Yoga Frog was in the sunlight and begged to be shot.

After I submitted the image I didn't like this crop and thought a tighter crop would have been better but sometime you get what you get,

Now close this out and go take some pictures!

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...