Friday, March 3, 2023

Challenge Week 9

 Wow, I am still hanging in there.  Thanks for keeping me company on my journey.

52 Frames

Challenge - Macro
Looking around and seeing different things that I could macro-photo I settled on this rose.  Again my back yard, minimal travel involved.  Used my +4 close up filter, I've had this filter for many years this is probably the first time I used it.  On my old Nikon I had a telephoto lens that was macro quality, but now I am shooting Sony I don't have that lens so the close up filter came in handy.

After I submitted the image I played some more and this is what I came up with 

I kind like this one better, which one do you like?


Challenge - Patterns

I looked around and could find a pattern that interested me all week.  Then today on my walk though the mall I noticed the design/pattern in the floor tiles.  So I squatted down (as much as my old body would allow me) used my iPhone and shot this image.  Some cropping and fine tuning and here is what I came up with.  

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Ice

DPS is an Australian based site and they are starting their winter and thought there would be some interesting Ice shots.  But even though we here in Southeast Texas are coming out of winter our normal temps are in the 60's but this year we are staying in the 70's and low 80's so I used Ice cubes and did a "still life".

I titled this OPPs. 

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...