Sunday, April 23, 2023

Week 16 Challenge

 52 Frames

Challenge - Blue Hour

Waited to the last minute to get this shot.  Well not last minute had 2 hours and 15 minutes left when I submitted it.  Of course, many of the nights this week were clear and had wonderful blue hours but no I put it off and tonight was cloudy.  But I think I still captured a good blue hour sky with some nice lighting,  This was hand held thank you Sony for great image stabilization.  This was taken at Town Lake Boardwalk, will have to remember that for futre shots.


Challenge - Flat Lay

Another "still life" type shot not to imaginative.  Just combining two great loves for me Wine and Photography.  Met the challenge with little imagination

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Pain
Gave thought about how to relay pain.  Didn't want to hurt anyone or anything so here it was without hurting anyone, Just the thought of Rose thorns.  The idea of a beautiful rose with the thorns under the flower just waiting to cause pain.

Now onto Week 17 spreading my wings.  Thanks for flying with me!

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Week 15 Challenge

 Here we go again.  Actually I am posting this as I am completing Week 16.  My "diary" is not as good as my imagery, LOL.

52 Frames

Challenge - Dreamscape

Had some trouble with this one, my imagination was dry.  So I took a picture and in post processing made it "dreamscape" (whatever that is.)

I'm not sure this is Dreamscape or spooky 


Challenge - Series

I took this to me a series of the same subject or environment.

Nearby was another friend just lurking in the weeds

Week 14 Challenge

Seems I got a little behind in my posting of the Challenges.  Time goes by fast once you are retired plus having out of town company.  But I didn't miss taking pictures,

Here we go - Week 14

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Flight
A little whimsical and not something in flight but something to help us fly on time (?)

The departure board at William P Hobby Airport in Houston Texas.  Taken with my trusty always present iPhone 8 (Yes I know that's an old phone but if takes a decent picture and it still places and receives calls and text, HaHa)

52 Frames

Challenge - Fill the Frame

A little different thought process on how do I fill the frame and still have something to the picture when shooting full frame.  Here was my attempt in my back yard.


Challenge - One Lens
 The challenge was to choot for several days or at least one outing using just one lens.  I chose to shot with my 24-240 set at about 240.  And use my feet to "zoom"  

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Challenge Week 13

The challenges keep coming.  Life gets in the way sometimes but I am learning how to juggle around that "stuff".  Here we go with week 13.

52 Frames

Challenge - Low Angle

I am enjoying low angle photography so this was not a challenge for me per say, it was finding the time to get out.  Thankfully I had planned to attend the Senior Citizens day at the Soap Box Derby track (hopefully there would be some photo ops - and there were)

Here is a low angle of The Hill/Track for gravity racing.

This was shot with my Sony A7 III and the FE 24-240 mm lens at 82 mm, 1/2000 sec @f/11.
ISO 800.  Hand held about 6 inches off the ground


Challenge - Sense of Scale

hmmm? Sense of scale?  ok  look it up and its like how to put things in the picture to give a sense of how big it is or show distance.  The Soap Box Derby gave me the location with this image.
Pretty much the same picture as 52 Frames BUT with some people in it and the green cone.
Sony A7 III, FE 24-240 @240 mm, ISO 1000, 1/2000 sec @ f/11.  Again hand held but I was standing, I can squat, bend over only so long.  

Digital Photography School

Challenge - In the Rain
 Right away I knew I was in trouble no rain this week,  I thought about hooking up the sprinkler and simulating rain but didn't take the time.  SO to keep shooting and submitting one image a week I created my own challenge and used one of my images from Soap Box Derby.
Race Day - Go Mach 5 Go Speed Racer
Sony A7 III FE 24-240 @ 52 mm, 1/80 sec @ f/14 ISO 125

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Gravity Racing

Race Day

This past Friday Harris County Precinct 4 hosted a Senior Soap Box Derby out at the Hockley Community Center.  Who knew the county has a Soap Box Derby event location?  I went see if there would be any photo ops and sure enough there were/  The "cars" were furnished and safety/driver training was required.  The training was mostly how to get in and out and use the brakes.  I did not realize Soap Box Derby still was around or as it is known today as gravity racing.  Anyway here are some images from my outing.

The Hill

Training consisted of how to use the brakes

Pit Crew taking you off the track

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...