Saturday, April 22, 2023

Week 14 Challenge

Seems I got a little behind in my posting of the Challenges.  Time goes by fast once you are retired plus having out of town company.  But I didn't miss taking pictures,

Here we go - Week 14

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Flight
A little whimsical and not something in flight but something to help us fly on time (?)

The departure board at William P Hobby Airport in Houston Texas.  Taken with my trusty always present iPhone 8 (Yes I know that's an old phone but if takes a decent picture and it still places and receives calls and text, HaHa)

52 Frames

Challenge - Fill the Frame

A little different thought process on how do I fill the frame and still have something to the picture when shooting full frame.  Here was my attempt in my back yard.


Challenge - One Lens
 The challenge was to choot for several days or at least one outing using just one lens.  I chose to shot with my 24-240 set at about 240.  And use my feet to "zoom"  

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...