Monday, May 1, 2023

Week 17 Challenge

 The challenge continues.  BUT I failed this week, I only completed 2 of the three.  Bummer and I was doing so good.  But not to get stuck in the past onward and forward I go.  

52 Frames

Challenge - One Light Source
For this one I just step into the back yard and shot the conversation pit in my pergola.  This was shot using a tripod, and a flashlight with a cardboard tube to control the light, A LA light painting, using my Sony A7 III, and the 24-70 mm lens at 28 mm, timing at 4 sec, F/3.5, ISO 200.


Challenge - Behind the Scene
The idea for this challenge is to show what it took to take a picture.  For this I did a short cut and used my 52 Frame Challenge and take a picture with my iPhone of the set up to get the image.  

You see the camera on the tripod with the shutter release hanging out the left side of camera, laying on the table is the flashlight in the cardboard tube and the black backdrop hanging in the back  in the 1st picture.  The second picture is the same as in 52 Frames.

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Window Light Portrait
This is whare I failed.  I do not get inspired to take portraits, thus this week I failed.  I need to overcome this challenge in the future.

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...