Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Week 20 Challenge

Week 20 and the challenges are still being answered.  Even though I was traveling I took my laptop along and got-er-done

52 Frames

Challenge - Hi Key
Hi key image of my great grandson.  We had a family gathering and celebrated a birthday and graduation.  Here he is eating some chocolate cake 


Challenge - Unique perspective

Our traveling included watching a grandson's flag football game.  Here he is with his mouthpiece in place and  making a face shoot from way down low.

Digital Photography School

Challenge - Uncomfortable
Another opportunity of shooting in a state of discomfort.  The intent is the old take a picture of someone that possibly would make you uncomfortable i.e. stranger or street photography.  After a similar challenge from 52 Frames challenge back in Week 4 I have learned how to step out of my comfort zone asking a stranger to take their picture. Establishing a rapport and complimenting them makes it easier.   
This week I had submitted two images because I could and it is getting easier.

This young lady works at a local shop where I occasionally get a cup of coffee. She had been wearing braces and just had them removed the day before and was proud of her she was happy to share her new look. (and was easy to ask to take her picture).

My second uncomfortable image was taken in the mall on my walk.  This young man works in shoe store and is very outgoing.  I liked his hair style and complimented him on his hair establishing a rapport. 

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...