Sunday, June 25, 2023

Week 25 Challenge

 Almost half way through and still interested and going

52 Frames

Challenge: Leading Lines

The skylight at Willowbrook Mall.  Found it interesting with the supports leading to the center.  As I look at it now I see some parallax  error, but still and interesting shot with my iPhone.

Digital Photography School

Challenge: Panning
Remember DPS challenge has become a bi-weekly challenge but I am trying to continue on a weekly basis. Pulled one from the files for this.  Hopefully this coming week is better for me.


Challenge: Contrasting Color

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Week 24 Challenge

 52 Frames

Challenge: Inspired by a Framer

This challenge a little different for me.  The challenge is to see some other submission and take a photo that their image inspired you, there is Extra Credit for Recreating their image.  I took the Extra Credit challenge recreated their image, well, not exactly their image  but with my figurine.

Shot in my studio using a flashlight to light the image.

Digital Photography School

Challenge; Panning

I am slipping somewhat and pulling images from the files.  Been busy and the heat and not feeling well all the time I do what I can.


Challenge: Reflection

Busy reflection in store window.   Between the product in the window and the reflections easy to get lost.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Week 23 Challenge

 Here we are continuing the challenges.  Some weeks its seems a burden, but when I get into it and get y creative juices going it is fun. And that is what I am after fun while expanding my photographic skills.

52 Frames

Challenge: Negative Space

This was some plants at Mercer Gardens using the ICM technique by panning in a vertical motion.  The tech stuff on the camera Shutter speed 1/6 sec @ f/25 ISO 125


Challenge: Abstract

Again Mercer Gardens using ICM and twisting the camera 90 degrees, Tech stuff: Shutter speed 1 sec @f/29 ISO 50

Digital Photography School

Challenge; Hard Light Soft Light

This has changed to a Bi Weekly challenge.  So I will be posting the same challenge with a new image each week.

Hard Light

Soft Light

Thursday, June 8, 2023

A Visit to Mercer to Practice ICM

 With some upcoming challenges in movement I took the opportunity to visit Mercer Botanic Gardens.  Here are some of the images I came away with.  

This is not ICM or movement but a flower I liked.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Week 22 Challenge

 Yes I am still going on the challenge.  Nothing too original this week.  But here it goes!

52 Frames

Challenge: Religion
Not a lot of thought n the final product. Early in the week I had other ideas, but got lazy and did another at home project.


Challenge: Food
Taking the easy path and using the set up for two challenges.  Nicolesy and DPS below.  Not a Rotten Apple in the Bunch.  Used some of the Lensbaby Omni Creative tools for the reflecting images.

Digital Photography School

Challenge: Hard Light and Soft Light
Thought about using a flash for the hard light, but I am not real comfortable with a flash so used a flash light and did some light painting instead.  
Hard light on Only One Rotten Apple in the Bunch;

Only ambient room light on the Soft Light image.

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...