Monday, July 10, 2023

Week 27 Challenge

 Well, I am still going.  It has been rougher each week to keep motivated for mw.  I have had some down days this week and it is HOT here in Houston.  But I did make it out and for some images.  Basically I went out one evening at Golden hour and got images for all three challenges from one outing to John Paul Park, came back post processed and submitted - BAM done.

52 Frames

Challenge: Reflection


Challenge: Starburst
Not one of my better "Starburst" but I met the requirement

(In case you cannot find the Starburst , look into the branches of the tree at the top and see the bright spot (sun) bursting through the branches)

Digital Photography School

Challenge: Golden Hour Landscape 
Remember this is now a bi-weekly challenge but I want to keep on the weekly idea as long as I can last. So this is repeat challenge from last week.

Again all images from one short evening outing to John Paul Park.  

See you next week.  Right now I do not anticipate any outing into the heat of the week but who knows? 

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...