Sunday, July 16, 2023

Week 28 Challenge

 Been keeping up on my challenge just behind in posting to the blog.  Getting real lazy in this heat wave.  In triple digits every day.  But i have been submitting my images each week  

52 Frames

Challenge: ABSTRACT

Just a little ICM (Intentional Camera Movement), I prefer to do as much as I can in camera ad not do the twisty thing in post processing.  This was shot with my Sony A7III, and the 24-70 lens at 35 mm. 1/3 sec at f/5.6.  And rotating the camera.  A little trick to this is to trip the shutter after you start rotating the camera. I wasn't real good at this thus the solid brown in the lower right side of image.  



Using my tripod with the legs at their lowest and the camera "tethered" to my mobile phone so I don't have to get down low to focus, etc., as i make the adjustments.

Digital Photography School


Sot with my mobile phone camera.  As I was on my morning walk through the mall saw this at the cookie store.  Using my feet as a basis on "From Where I Stand" I thought this was whimsical image.

This is the second go around of DPS becoming a biweekly challenge,  But I plan on keeping the weekly genre just shoot the same challenge for two weeks.  Let's see if I can continue.

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Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...