Saturday, November 13, 2021

Its Pow Wow Time

 Every year (except Pandemic years) for the past 31 years there has been a gathering of native Americans.  These are from various tribes in the Texas Oklahoma region and they gather for social reasons and dance competitions.  I was able to spend some time at this gathering this year.  We thought it started at 10 but actually it started at 12 so there was some idle time.   But I did get some shots in before I got called away on a family situation.  All image shot with a Sony A7 III and a Sony 24 -240 lens.  

1/640 sec @ f6.3, ISO 160, 144 mm

1/400 sec @f/5.31, ISO 100, 240 mm

1/400 sec @f6.3, ISO 100, 146 mm

1/640 sec @f5.31, ISO 125, 128 mm

1/640 sec @f6.3, ISO 100, 128 mm

1/640 sec @f/5.31, ISO 100, 100 mm

1/640 sec @f6.3, ISO 100, 65 mm

1/340 sec @f6.3, ISO 250, 110 mm

1/340 sec @f/5.66, ISO 200, 33 mm

1/640 sec @f5.66, ISO 200, 80 mm

1/640 sec @f5.66, ISO 200, 62 mm

1/640 sec,@f/5.66, ISO 125, 62 mm

1/640 sec @f/5.66, ISO 125, 240 mm

1/800 sec @f5.31, ISO 125, 78 mm

1/640 sec @f6.3, ISO 6.3, ISO 100, 106 mm

1/640 sec @ f5.32, ISO 160, 49 mm

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...