Saturday, September 24, 2022


 Elvis Gnome

My Elvis garden  gnome.  Doesn't ever yard deserve at least one?  Still using my Lensbaby lens.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Car Show

 Another Car Show

Went to the Hockley Service Center for a Harris County Sponsored Car Show.  Did not stay too long it was very hot and humid.
Some interesting cars AND a Soap Box Derby Track.  I guess you can rent the Soap Box cars there or bring your own and coast down the hill  I will look to the future for events there.

1930's Cord automobile

Not the Harris County Emblem on the seat

Saturday, September 10, 2022


 Hummingbird Festival

Went to the Hummingbird Festival at Kleb Woods (look to the links on the right side of the page for birding locations to find Kleb Woods) to find in crowded and I didn't get in the mood to shoot hummingbirds.  But the Audubon group was there with some of their raptors which fascinated me more.

Thursday, September 8, 2022



The assignment was images of pairs.  So I decided on making a pair of my wife.

Using my iPhone in panoramic mode I took this image.  I slowly panned left to right and as I finished with the left arch Betty ran to the right arch before I got there and caught her there.

Week 29 Challenge

  Yep I'm still on the trail. It seems to be getting harder with the temps staying iun the triple digits. BUT it is getting done. 52 Fra...